When this baby girl was born, time stood still!! I experienced such deep love, and a little bit of first time parent worries, with my beautiful first baby girl, Bayla. By my second pregnancy, I already knew that time eludes us and is something we can’t get back. So, I held her and rocked every possible minute, I went to the park nearly everyday in good weather, and just gazed upon her in absolute awe!
Today is her 13th Birthday, she is now a teenager and despite my attempts to slow down time, she has arrived at this moment. I see all the beauty of knowing this girl’s heart, as only a mother can, and yet I catch glimpses each day of how she is so greatly loved by those around her and, in seeing that, there is more light then ever imaginable that shines within her!
My prayer and wish for you Avery is to dream, pursue goodness in life, know how deeply and wide you are loved by those around you and more importantly by a God who loves you eternally.
You will always be my little girl and a blessing beyond measure!!